Upgrade from CardPresso XXS Lite to XM
Upgrade from CardPresso XXS Lite to XM
The CardPresso XM is designed to make card production easy. Graphic design and personalization tools are built in. Magnetic, contact and contactless chip encoding are available. Its user-friendly interface allows anyone to use the software without much training.
CardPresso XM features all the benefits and features of the previous editions, and adds 2D barcodes, facial recognition and automatic crop, and more.
Product Info
CardPresso XM contains all the features of the previous CardPresso software, including: predefined templates, signature acquisition, barcodes 1D, WIA/TWAIN and DirectShow acquisition, magnetic encoding, an internal database with unlimited records, QR codes, .XLS, .XLSX, .CSV and .TXT database connection, database view, and link image to DB field.
XM adds local MS access connection, photo on database, FaceCrop tool for face recognition, and 2D barcodes.